Finally, the inevitable has happened. The wonder boys have been booted off the X-Factor. Despite the general consensus believing it couldn't have come a moment too soon, the cheeky Irish chappies had a good innings, regardless of how shit they were.
Now, I don't watch X-Factor. Well, I do watch the first round of auditions for the hilarity value. I start to loose interest when Simon Cowell consults an 80's has-been when choosing his final four. The Christmas gravy train doesn't appeal to me. In all the show's five years it's managed to produce one commercially successful finalist (only for her to get twatted by some nutter in Waterstones). Anyhoo, since the twin's initial audition, controversy has stuck to them like shit to a blanket. The show has been subjected to Watchdog enquiries, conspiracy theories, a prank with a pineapple and Louis Walsh consistently burning with the incandescence of Irish Pride. Regardless of the controversy, Jedward were gaining popularity.
The rollercoaster ride of the Jedward case had gained momentum in recent weeks. From fourteen year-old girls flashing their under-developed chests at the boys, to avoiding the boot at the expense of more popular and talented acts (I personally think that guy with the 'fro should have been saved. His hair FTW). But you can't deny that the boys have the potential of grasping a pinch of fame from the X-Factor fall-out. Their cheeky demeanour and devout following could give them enough juice for a career that'll last until...well, I'll say April 2010 at the least.
But alas, the dream has come to an end for Jedward. Because of my ignorance for all things X-Factor, my opinion reflects that of the vox populi. This is how I've interpreted it - Jedward have been both irritating and irresistible. You loved to hate them. Their place in the final allowed you to hark back to the hilarious days of the initial auditions, and the memories of the Jeremy Kyle hum-drum that belted out karaoke gold for our viewing pleasure. I imagine The X-Factor will become boring with the departure of John and Edward.
On a lighter note, Jedward fans have got the inevitable single to look forward to. A cover of PJ and Duncan's Let's Get Ready To Rumble.
Watch us wreck the mic, watch us wreck the mic...
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