Whilst I waited for my appointment with my local GP last week, I flicked through an amateur photographers magazine to pass the time. I came across a double-page spread concerning the work of a little-known street photographer named Fabrizio Quagliuso. His most recent project, Faceless, details the unique beauty, simplicity and depth of street photography.
Originally from Italy, Quagliuso has been living in the UK since completing his electronic engineering degree. His passion for photography only began 8 years ago, but he has since flourished into a coherent photographer fuelled by natural talent.
Quagliuso's work echoes inspiration from the fathers of street photography Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Frank, but also details his own personal touch that shines through the mundane concept of simple point-and-shoot photography.
Check out more of his work at http://www.blurb.com/user/appayama11
Japan Fragments
My copy of Faceless is in the post. Booya.